Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Xampp version 1.7.3

Xampp stands for :X :OS/operating systems .A : Apache , is a web application server . Apache main task is to produce the correct web page to the     user     based on PHP code written by the makers of the web page . if necessary also based on PHP code is written , it can be a database accessed in advance (eg MySQL ) to support the resulting web page .M : MySQL , a database application server . Development called SQL which stands for Structured Query Language . SQL is a language used to process structured database . MySQL can be used to create and manage the database and its contents . We can use MySQL to add , modify , and delete data in the database .Q: PHP , the programming language for building websites . PHP programming language is a programming language for creating web that is server-side scripting . PHP allows us to create dynamic web pages . Database management system which is often used with PHP is MySQL . but PHP also supports the Oracle database management system , Microsoft Access , Interbase , d - base , PostgreSQL , and so on .P : Perl , is one programming language .XAMPP is developed from a project team named Apache Friends , XAMPP is also a free software , which supports many operating systems , is a compilation of some programs , it can be said Xampp is a software emulator of webhosting which will become a place we publish / disseminate our website created. in the Xampp software there are several important components that support for website creation , including :

FileZilla FTP Server

TomcatParts which must be considered the most important part in this software are :
htdoc is the folder where you put the files to be executed , such as PHP files , HTML and other scripts phpMyAdmin is a section for managing existing MySQL database computer . To open it , open a browser and type the address http://localhost/phpmyadmin , it will display the phpMyAdmin page .nah it's a little explanation about this Xampp software , for my friend who wants to learn more about the website , mysql and his comrades .. please wrote download the software at the link below .

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